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23.06.2015 / 18:24:54

"Beeline" abonentlari "Funbox" axborot-ko'ngilochar portali xizmatlaridan foydalanishlari mumkin

Eng yirik aloqa operatori “Beeline” abonentlarga axborot-ko‘ngilochar portali xizmatlaridan foydalanishlari mumkin bo‘lgan “Fanbox” portali haqida eslatib o‘tmoqda.

“Funbox” portali xizmatlariga obuna bo‘lish uchun 7007 bepul raqamiga qo‘ng‘iroq qilish, va qulay ovozli yo‘riqlarni tinglagan holda manzur kelgan xizmatni tanlash va aktivlashtirish mumkin: “Testlar”, “Tanishuvlar”, “Handalar”. Xizmat pullik – kuniga $0,05.

Obunani bekor qilish uchun 7007 raqamiga qo‘ng‘iroq qilib, “Xizmatlarni boshqarish” bo‘limida operatorning so‘rovlar xizmatiga murojaat etib, yoki 1977 raqamiga SMS yuborib: 1 – Tanishuvlar xizmati uchun, 2 – Handalar, 3 – Testlar, 0 – barcha xizmatlarni birdan o‘chirish uchun.

Portal 24 soat davomida barcha “Beeline” abonentlari uchun mavjud. Portal ham o‘zbek, ham rus tilida xizmatlarni amalga oshiradi.

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23.06.2015 / 11:05:31

Beeline roaming is now available on the boards of "Aeroflot" and several more airlines

The largest communication operator Beeline announces the expansion of roaming capabilities on board aircraft by partnering with OnAir company. More...

22.06.2015 / 10:58:47

16 participants of Beeline program "Third Generation 2015" start an internship in the company

The largest communication operator Beeline announces the beginning of the internship for 16 participants of the program "Third Generation 2015" successfully passed all the qualifying stages. In 2015, the program is held as part of the global project of VimpelCom "Make your mark". More...

19.06.2015 / 11:46:16

Poytaxtning ikki bouling-markazida "Beeline Club" kartalarining egalariga chegirmalar taqdim etilmoqda

Eng yirik aloqa operatori "Beeline" "Gold" va "Platinum" imtiyozlar kartalarining egalari "Beeline Club" hamkorlari hisoblangan poytaxtdagi ikkita yirik bouling-markazida chegirmalardan foydalana olishlari haqida xabar beradi. More...

18.06.2015 / 12:02:17

Useful numbers and USSD-codes for Beeline subscribers

The largest communication operator Beeline reminds about special useful numbers for subscribers of Beeline, by calling or sending a request to which you can quickly get the information you need. More...

17.06.2015 / 09:54:56

In Ireland was expanded voice and GPRS-roaming of Beeline

The largest communication operator Beeline announced about expansion of geography of roaming. The cooperation agreement signed with Vodafone, which will allow subscribers of Beeline to use voice and GPRS-roaming services in Ireland. More...

26.06.2019 / 17:12:04
Крупнейшее российское издательство "Эксмо" представляет книгу писателя из Узбекистана "Шпага д'Артаньяна, или Год спустя".
01.04.2014 / 13:58:28
В Национальной библиотеке состоялся литературный вечер к 85-летию Озода Шарафиддинова


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